Words are the Heartbeat of all Creation

Words are the heartbeat of all Creation.

Words are the baseline of emotion. 

Words are the key to divine manifestation. 

Words sustain the melody for the music created by the soul as it expresses itself as a reflection of the divine spark within. In the beginning of time there was a word that formed the basis of all existence. 

I pour my emotions and my life experiences into all of the poems I create. These poems that I have written provides me with healing, inspiration, joy and determination. I share my poetry with faith that you will receive the same uplifting energies of hope, healing, joy, success and determination that has filled my soul and my entire being from the words I perfectly aligned in my poems that are inspired by angelic energies and the divine while receiving angelic guidance,  influence, inspiration, and intervention.

Celestial Love: (Part 1)

I see the twinkle in your eyes
it’s reminiscent of the stars amongst the skies
Two souls intertwined is equivalent to destiny divined
Twin flames mirrored details the transcendence of time
This is Celestial Love ordained by Angels above
This love is immortal and serves as a portal to
the gateway of heaven.

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


Bayou Bloodline:

That Bayou Bloodline is prominent
and dominate free-flowing through my veins
Strength, power, magic and wisdom
dances through my DNA
My heart beat carries the baseline
of my ancestors’ story
Their words of impact sent
Ripples through time
Enchanting us into spiritual evolution
Sparking revolutions in the
Presence of injustice
Every thought provoked
Every word spoken
Was derived from the
intelligence and talents
I inherited that was embedded
And passed down to me
Through their genetic code
Their instructional bode
influences every decision I make
and every action I take
I show gratitude and I give honor
That Bayou Bloodline is royal and immortal

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


 Fear No Man:

I fear no man
For man is not God
Therefore man is not law
I abandoned my fear
I left it stranded
They attempted to
capture my pride
and reprimand it
I nurtured my courage
then I expanded it
Their twisted thoughts tried
to wish me failure but I damned it
They can’t steal my success
because I command it
I fear no man
For man is not God
Therefore man is not law

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


Gift of Revelations:

I have the gift of revelations
I am mentally divine and spiritually inclined
I hear the words of lies they hide behind me
in absence of my presence
Their frivolous smiles conceal their true intentions
but God revealed to me their polluted thoughts and
Their tarnished hearts
When they go home and close their front door
There is no peace to meet them there
Instead of confronting that despair
They cast out chaos to deflect from the fact
that there is no love there
They can’t stare at their own reflection
Because they are haunted by their insecurities
Their confidence is demolished by their soul’s impurities
Their heart is empty and their envy is full
Yet they still attempt to pull my name down
with lies that are dull I know y’all tried to gull
Bring those lies that you hid behind my back
directly to my face
So I can use my intelligence and gods
Revelations to put you in your permanent place

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved

God’s Strength:

God’s Strength
Within me is god’s strength
To God’s strength nothing can compare
My enemies shall remain bound by despair
They shall prepare for the exposure
of their lies and disgrace
The truth is what my enemies shall now face
My enemies attempted to spread lies now
my enemies are beneath me
and to my words they must abide
My Angels meet me here where heaven
and Earth collide and it’s all due to God’s strength.

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


How Naive:

How naive of me
To have not seen you for who you are
I only perceived you as who you could be
As if you were incapable of choosing not to
commit lies, slander and bad deeds against me
You could be a better person yet
you make a conscious effort to exist in
the worst aspect of yourself
I would expect more from anyone else
Yet I lowered my expectations for thee
That harvested an abundance of hatred for me
Releasing you from my life is the key
to set myself free from the unwarranted lies
That have been expelled in the absence of my presence
Jealously is the energy that sustains your essence
Your lies only penetrate the minds of those
cursed with the lack of intellect
Your soul has no substance
Just like your dialect

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


Know Your Strength:

Don’t be stymied

By the evil energies
of this realm

Know Your Strength

Extend your mind through

The length of time

You spent in this dimension

To search through your memories
To gather your moments
of courage to fuel your strength

weakness is oversaturated

Let your mind become

Infatuated by your strength.

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


Lack of Loyalty:

People have formed friendships
on the basis of their hatred for you
and that hatred is derived from jealousy
They delusionally think they should be
worshipped as royalty
Yet, they lack the vital fundamental sense
of loyalty
They conspire to create high-risk situations
In an attempt to cause quarrels
In their venture to destroy you
they’ll Sacrifice all of their morals
They create portals of deception
To deflect from their own insecurities

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


Let Them Go:

Let them go
because you can’t rise
If you choose to surround yourself
With people that want to keep you
Beneath them
Let them go and elevate
Their attempts to hinder your flourishing
Will only escalate
They lied when they said you can’t
They know for a fact that you can and will succeed
So they attempt to transmute the confidence
in your mind into disbelief
Because they know the hatred of oneself
Is the ultimate defeat
They are vexed because their notoriety
Is deflated
Trust your intuition
They view you as competition
That needs to be eliminated
Your verbal contacts with them should
be terminated Let them go and rise.

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


Lies on My Name:

You put lies on my name in
an attempt to cloak your bad deeds
You thought you could keep
Your lies sealed and concealed
but the truth always seeps out
For your malefactions against me
You shall reap what you sow
You shall weep from sunset to sunrise
I will view your defeat within
the reflection of your eyes

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


Medley of Thoughts:

It seems a thought can seep into our dreams
casually and resurface through our realities
Rearranging physical matter in our realms
to support the thought initially formed
The Angels serve as informants so that the
universal energy won’t remain dormant.
As the thought transcends time pretends it is valid
Pure vibrations provide our souls with an ascension ballad
My medley of thoughts provide a melody
to my heart which is no small feat
Is this the energy that empowers and
sustains my heart beat?

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


My Eternal Love: (Part 1)

My love you embody eternity
My love you are eternal
My eternal love you
have surpassed lifetimes
You are as beautiful as spring flowers
In fresh bloom
Your shining soul star chakra light
Glistens on gloom
Invoking the essence
Of pure joy and delight
There is no limit to the serenity
and security your love provides
This love was destined
When the stars aligned
In the Celestial Realm.

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved

My Eternal Love: (Part 2)

My Eternal Love
I must delve
Deeper into the fact
That your love has provided freedom
Everlasting love cast down
from Heaven above
Sweet moments transform into
everlasting memories
Spiraling through the depths
Of my mind our journey
Is solidified in the
heart of time
Your soul can’t begin
to conceptulize
or fathom the amount
Of love that is stored
Inside of me for you.

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


They want to see me rage
They want to stereotype me as an
angry black woman
and lock me in a cage
and for their sins they shall descend
underneath the wrath
that my angels send
My strength is fortified
It shall not bend
They desired to view me fail
and they tried to force it
but my soul obtained my victory
through angelic forces
They want to see me rage
but I won’t engage in their
Attempts to destroy my
Character and seize my wage
Black woman are silenced
Until they remain silent
and that is what fuels the Rage

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


Rediscover Your Joy:

Joy is hard to follow when you’re stranded
In the depths of your sorrows
Trying to preserve your diminishing reserve of
joy for tomorrow As you stand at the summit
of your plummeting youth
Don’t deny the truth with age comes wisdom
That you can put to use to equate your life to elevation
As you reminisce on your past revelations
To spark your consciousness to fill your joy
Allow your mind to enjoy this delightful envoy
as it leads you to rediscover your joy.

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved

Self Love:

Unravel the negative distorted self image
that’s wrapped around your mind
Buried deep within your subconscious is
the self love that you need to find
Unattainable social media expectations
and your reality are intertwined
Find your self love and bring it home to your heart
Because real beauty is an aura that transcends
From within your soul
Unfold your past trauma to heal your insecurities
Self Love is the key to unlock your true beauty

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


Shadow People:

The shadow people live amongst us
They lurk through the depths
of the night
They hide within your fear
and they prey on your tears
They morph your perception
and they thrive in deception
When they are near your senses
loses primal reception
The conception of these forms
merged within our reality

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


The Anxious Ones :

The anxious ones are bound by anxiety
Their emotions scream internally for humility
Yet they are met with no emotional stability
Constantly inflicted by their gruesome reality
The emotional pain strangles their life essence
Followed by the lack of emotional care in their presence
There are no provisions for the harmful verbal incisions
placed upon them
They attempt to smother the judgmental noises
they hear amongst them
Yet you all would rather watch them drown in their tears
Instead of help them escape their fears.
All they want to hear is freedom is here and help is near
As their mind is in despair they yearn for compassionate
thoughts to meet them there
Anxious Ones please know your not at fault and know that I care.

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


How Incompetent:

How incompetent of me
To not see people for who they are
and only perceive them
as who they could be
As if they were incapable of choosing
not to commit lies, slander,
and bad deeds against me
They could be better people yet
they make a conscious effort to exist in
the worst aspect of themselves
I would expect more from anyone else
Yet I lowered my expectations for those
That harvested an abundance of hatred for me
Releasing them from my life is the key
to set myself free from the unwarranted lies
That have been expelled
in the absence of my presence
Jealously is the energy that
sustains their essence
The lies only penetrate the mind of those
Cursed with the lack of intellect
Their soul have no substance
Just like their dialect

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


You Cursed Yourself:

The guilt lingering in the
Back of your mind
Formed a physical
Punishment to inflict
Upon yourself
Through your bad
deeds against others
You cursed yourself
It’s the physical manifestation
Of the karmic vibration
That formed
Through your repeated
Of the innocent ones

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


Through Betrayal:

Through The Betrayal
Your heart is restrained it seems hard to contain
Your pain but you must remain resilient
as you block the prolific malefic attacks of negativity
That arose through the betrayal
Let your mind rip through the veil of the lies
That your enemies held against you
Know that the soul of justice resides within you
Through Betrayal
They entangled your confidence
And warped your mind in sorrow
They pierced through your joy
With their arrows of deception
They built words of destruction to halt
Your praise and affection
Through Betrayal
They attempted to provoke and offend you
They assumed that no one would defend you
Know that all of their attempts will fail because God is within you.

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved


To My Ancestors:

To all of my ancestors anchored by pain
And bound by chains
rise from the dust
and avenge my name
To My Ancestors
I bow before you
You were silenced by brutal force
You were drowned with overwhelming misery
Yet you were filled with the determination
To preserve your legacy
Prevailing through every discrepancy
Held against you
You created and nurtured culture
and talent that transcended generations
Influencing the entire population
with your wisdom and strength
Your resilience is cemented in the
depths of our mind
The memory of the torment inflicted
upon you flows through our veins
On this Earth you experienced tremendous pain
but in the celestial realm of heaven you now reign

Copyright Zhane Bailey 2023 All Rights Reserved

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